Dear God,
Thank You for the depth of feeling
with which you have so powerfully blessed me.
Thank You for clarity of mind that keeps my focus on Your Presence
in the face of all I meet in the outer and within,
for the courage of heart that has vision enough
to see through appearances,
presence enough to hold to what is true--in myself, in others and in life.
Thank You for the conviction of spirit to end my personal denials,
in a world where so many have not chosen thusly.
Your Love and the Deeper Music of Home
is companion to me as I traverse the endless terrain
of emotion, thought, the human experience, consciousness.
I thank Loving Essence for the gift of gratitude, all it touches,
every opening born of feeling it, and the blessing of its transmutative qualities.
Thank you for the awareness of the difference
between failure and 'stages of learning' in this living play.
This breathing clarity of purpose is my sight...
Great Thanks!
Matisha ~ 22 July, 2002
© 2002 Matisha